How to Rock Your Style With Ankle Boots?

How to wear dress with ankle boots

Ankle boots are one of the favorite items in the clothing collection and becoming a fashion trend that is very popular in various regions. That is not surprising, because these shoes are suitable for all situations and are comfortable to wear. Women like to wear ankle boots when doing activities, for example, traveling, shopping and working. Then, how can the ankle boots that you use match your fashion style? Here are some fashion items that can be your inspiration in combining your ankle boots with your fashion style.

  1. Jeans.

If you like using jeans in your daily life ankle boots can be the perfect mix

If you like using jeans in your daily life, ankle boots can be the perfect mix. As a general reference, don’t pair ankle boots with capri pants. Usually, you can see the distance from the bottom of capri pants to the top of the shoe. Because of that, you will look short. Wear skinny jeans that are the right length with your ankles, or if you are extended, you can fold the ends inward. For neater results, once folded you can iron the folds to be sharp and even. For your appearance to look attractive, you can combine ankle boots with jeans with a zippered tip. You can leave the zipper open and do not insert the ends into the shoes. This style can be used to avoid boredom.

  1. Leggings.

Leggings for several years have become a fashion item that is in high demand by women. Not only as everyday clothes, but leggings are also now a fashion that is often combined with ankle boots. To avoid your feet looking short, you must be careful in choosing the leggings you will use. Avoid combining pastel-colored leggings with dark boots. To make your legs look slim, you can wear leggings that match the color of your shoes.

  1. Socks.

Socks with boots

You can combine socks with ankle boots to make them look more stylish and unique. You can use colorful socks, such as red, yellow or blue. These colors are trendy among women. If you use long socks, you can use it by loosening the top of your long socks over the boots. Thus the color contrast between socks and shoes can be emphasized without making a tacky impression.

  1. Skirts and dress.

Most people combine ankle boots with skinny jeans and leggings. Ankle boots can be a blend that matches a skirt. You can connect boots with flowing long skirts to display a unique and edgy style. To make your appearance more attractive, wear boots with black and pointed heels. For short dresses, you can combine it with a nude ankle boot. Nude ankle boots can make your style look cool, make sure your socks don’t appear from the outside.

  1. Work wear.

How to wear ankle boots

Also, you can use ankle boots to wear to the office. Previously you had to consider your company regulations regarding workwear style. If your office frees its employees in a dress, then you can play with your type, color, and pattern of boots. If your workplace is conservative about work clothes, then wear boots with dark colors. You can wear boots with black or dark brown with the height of 3.5-inch heels down. To ensure you can work comfortably, wear boots with stacked heels or medium-sized blocks.

So, these are some items that can be combined with ankle boots to add to your style. Keep calm and wear ankle boots!

Additional resources:

Best walking shoes for bunions – On The Market in 2021 – pickfairly

Dr. Martens steel toe boots reviews – most selling boots list 2021 – pickfairly

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