How to Heal Yellow Jacket Stings Naturally

How to Heal Yellow Jacket Stings Naturally

How to Heal Yellow Jacket Stings Naturally

Yellow Jacket, very simple as the name it might sounds; however, it is the culprit that might make your skin incur wounds. These wounds are caused by the stings of the Yellow Jackets. Those insects are normally useful for the development of flowers and fruits, nonetheless, when it comes to insect bites, it can become a serious matter for people’s skin as those often leaves considerable effects.

Generally, people within the areas of North America constantly have to deal with this problems, especially when it comes to summer.

Yellow Jacket Stings will not be a problem when you know how to fix it, however, it can get worse if you keep leaving it on your skin for a long time. Worries not as you have some home remedies that can significantly assist you on how to heal yellow jacket stings naturally and immediately when you cannot visit doctors in time.

1. Cold Compress

Normally, if you want to treat any wounds or problems on the surface of your skin, it is ideal that you use cold compress. The reason is simple as it works wonderfully in helping you to numb the pain as well as reduce swelling. The best part of applying cold compress is that it helps to relieve the pain almost instantly.

How to apply:

  • Wrap few ice cubes from the fridge wrapped in a clean cloth.
  • Directly apply the bag over the affected areas.
  • Keep rubbing it over the affected areas for few minutes.
  • Repeat this action for few times before changing new ice bags and keep doing it for every two hours until the pain is gone.

2. Vinegar

Vinegar has long been regarded as the versatile ingredient which has the capability of helping people to cure so many health issues. Healing the stings of yellow jacket is also not the exception as vinegar has high amount of acetic acid in its properties. Therefore, it is no doubt that vinegar can help you to control inflammation as well as reduce swelling.

How to apply:

  • Take out clean cloth and dip in a cup of vinegar
  • Alternatively, you can use a cotton ball to soak the vinegar, then apply them over the affected areas.
  • Use a bandage to keep the cloth fixed over the affected areas overnight.
  • Wash off the very next morning as you wake up.
  • Repeat this action every day until you find satisfied result (which means the pain has gone).

3. Activated Charcoal

When it comes to yellow bee stings, it is without a doubt that there has been some amount of poisons and venoms presented at the affected areas. Therefore, it would be useful when you make use of activated charcoal as this ingredient could effectively and eventually absorbs all the toxins. This would, therefore, shorten the healing time rather significantly.

How to apply:

  • Take out small amount of wet charcoal and place over the affected areas.
  • Cover it by using a bandage for a while until it changes color, then you could replace with the new one.
  • Keep doing it consistently in the first couples of day right after you get beaten.
  • Repeat this on regular basis until you find satisfied result.

4. Baking Soda

Another useful ingredient you could make use of is baking soda, and it is totally within your kitchen. This ingredient contains the alkaline pH that works consistently in order to help you to neutralize the acidic level after you get beaten. Along with that, baking soda has high amount of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects that allows the wounds to heal quicker than usual.

How to do:

  • Create the paste out of baking soda and water following the 3:2 ratio.
  • Directly apply over the affected areas then leave it for a while before washing off with water.
  • Wash off with water after few hours of applying.
  • Repeat this method every day until you find satisfied result.

5. Plantain Leaves

The fact is, before having medicine and drugs which can treat the wounds caused by bee stings, people have been making use of plantain leaves for ages. This type of leave is super effective in healing inflammation and wounds caused by yellow bee stings. The reason is that the leaves has amazing properties that can help to reduce the pain and swelling effectively.

The trick to make use of this leave is also super simple.

How to use:

  • Crush a handful of those fresh leaves and add a decent amount of water to have a smooth paste.
  • Apply the paste over the affected areas and use a bandage to keep them fixed.
  • Wash off with water after taking out the bandage.

Author Bio:

This article is written by Jenny Heth – Senior Editor of Authority Remedies.

Jenny is the apprentice at Nutrition Society of Australia after finishing her bachelor degree of Human Nutrition at La Trobe University.

She is also pursuing her master degree of Food Science at University of Melbourne.

With the great passion for nutrition and healthy diet, her future is brighter than ever in becoming one of the finest nutritionists and dietitians.